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Tutor International Welcome Days

As a part of the  AStA orientation offers for international students , TUtor international organises two welcome days

11.10.14  Welcome day 1  '' Studium''

          a workshop to get to know about the education system here in Darmstadt/Germany , how tp prepare efficiently and effectively for the   examinations  and to get good scores.

          Senior Students from many bachelor and master study programmes will be present to interact with the new students

          Venue : TU OLd Building ( Altes Hauptgebäude )  , Room Nr 12 , Time : 13 hrs to 17 hrs ( Please be punctual )


18.10.14 Welcome day 2  '' Culture ''

         an intercultural  workshop to discuss beyond the cliches and prejudices about the home countries , get to know the cultural values , considered to be  important will deifinitely be helpful for the leading a good life , carefully by not hurting the sentiments of the people here .

         Venue : Katholische Hochschulgemeinde , Niederamstädter Straße  30, 64283 Darmstadt
         Time : 10:00  to 17 hrs