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zwanzig° is the self-help bicycle repair shop at the Technical University Darmstadt. - You've got a problem with your bike, but no way to solve it yourself? You have bought you a new part or parts and want to mount it, but can't do that in your apartment?

Then come and let us help you. zwanzig° has everything that is needed to repair your bike: tools, space and friendly specialized people with tips. Here you can borrow the tools you need, and even operate on the spot.

Important: You get free support; however, no employee of zwanzig° will repair your bike themselves. This is not possible even for liability reasons.

Of course, zwanzig° isn't made for students of the TU Darmstadt only, but is open to all interested persons during the opening hours.

The workshop is located near the Audimax building of the TU Darmstadt on the back towards the old main building (end of Hochschulstr.), you will find a map here.

We are a little short staffed at the moment. If you would like to support our project with your time, just get in touch (there is the possibility of receiving an expense allowance)!

Opening hours zwanzig°

Mon 5pm - 7:45pm
Tue 3pm - 7:45pm
Wed 6pm - 8:45pm
Thu 6pm - 8:45pm
Fri, Sat, Sun Closed


You will get the best answers if you simply ask us during opening hours. Otherwise, you can reach us as follows:

Phone number: +49 16151 1628377

E-Mail: fahrradwerkstatt[ät]


Team members wanted

Are you interested in joining zwanzig° or the new self-help bike workshop at Lichtwiese?
Then send an email to fahrradwerkstatt[-at-] or speak to a team member at zwanzig° in the city centre.
As a colourful team, we are happy to welcome anyone with an interest in bicycle repairs, whether they have previous knowledge or not.

New self-help bike workshop on the Lichtwiese campus

A new self-help bicycle workshop is being built on the Lichtwiese campus in the immediate vicinity of the new tram turning loop.
The containers for this are located in the separate part of Eugen-Kogon-Straße next to the multi-storey car park.

(More information to follow)

Bicycle repair stations

We can also announce that the TU has set up three bicycle repair stations!

So if we are fully booked or you need something outside opening hours, these are available for you. The one closest to the bike repair shop is at the entrance to Herrngarten by the Call-a-Bike station.
There is another one in front of the Welcome Hotel on Karolinenplatz.

Workshop „Bremse und Schaltung“


In diesem Workshop geht es um das richtige Einstellen von mechanischen und hydraulischen Bremsen und Kettenschaltungen.


  • Funktionsweise von mechanischen Bremsen und Kettenschaltungen
  • kurze Einführung zu verschiedenen hydraulischen Bremssystemen und ihren Vor- und Nachteilen
  • einstellen, pflegen und warten von Schaltung und Bremsen (mechanisch und hydraulisch)

zwanzig° unterstützt Flüchtlingsarbeit. Es können hier jedoch keine Spenden speziell für Flüchtlinge abgegeben werden.


Mobil in Darmstadt?!
Der AStA bietet dir Semesterticket, kostenlose Leihfahrräder, Sprinterverleih Fahrradwerkstatt und noch etwas mehr...

Los geht's!

Workshop „Bremse und Schaltung“


In diesem Workshop geht es um das richtige Einstellen von mechanischen und hydraulischen Bremsen und Kettenschaltungen.


  • Funktionsweise von mechanischen Bremsen und Kettenschaltungen
  • kurze Einführung zu verschiedenen hydraulischen Bremssystemen und ihren Vor- und Nachteilen
  • einstellen, pflegen und warten von Schaltung und Bremsen (mechanisch und hydraulisch)

An die Lappen, fertig, los! Sommerliche Temperaturen locken wieder alle Schönwetterradler auf die Straße. Aber was wenn der Drahtesel noch verstaubt im Keller steht. Wir haben die Lösung: Putzen! Diesen Monat hat der zwanzig°-Workshop weniger theoretischen Inhalt, sondern soll uns allen helfen, gemeinschaftlich unseren inneren Schweinehund zu überwinden und unsere Fahrräder zu putzen


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