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Förderverein für in Not geratene Studierende - Association for Students in Need

The Association for Students in Need (Förderverein der in Not geratene Studierende e.V.) was founded in 1992. We provide financial support in emergencies and special hardship cases. The association members work purely on a voluntary basis and with money from private donations, as well as AStA and TU Darmstadt.

The association is a registered association and has nothing to do legally with the AStA. Therefore, please send your inquiries directly to the association:

We try to reply to your emails as quickly as possible. Please also check your spam folder if you haven't heard from us for a while!


We help quickly and unbureaucratic.

All students starting from the 3rd semester  and PhD students enrolled at TU Darmstadt are entitled to apply for one-time financial support. The association's board of directors assesses the need for support according to detailed guidelines. Each application is checked individually. There are no deadlines and you can apply any time.


Please note that the association offers a onetime support! We do not offer a scholarship!


That's how it's done:


Please prepare the following documents:

  1. A fully completed and signed application. It is important to write the reason for applying for support in the intended field in the application. Click here for the application.
  2. Copy of bank account statement of the last 3 months, blocked account are accepted, please prepare statements of all bank accounts! (obligatory)

  3. TUCaN print of the performance level (Leistungsspiegel) (obligatory)

  4. TUCaN print of the current enrollment certificate (Studienbescheinigung) (obligatory)

  5. If necessary, other relevant documents (voluntary)


We will be holding our application meeting in person, applications will only be processed on these days!

Dates 2024 (always on wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.):

10th July

04th September

09th October

13th November

11th December


Where: S|103 Room 59 (old main building, Hochschulstr. 1, in the conference room of AStA)

Please bring the completed application and required documents with you to the appointment.

The application meeting will be on a 'first come, first served' basis.


If you are not able to come to our meetings in person, please send a mail to: 


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

For data protection reasons, the above-mentioned documents can only be submitted in paper form. We ask for your understanding!

By submitting this application, you allow the Association for Students in Need, the AStA and the Technical University of Darmstadt to save and use the data you have provided to process the applications, to pay out the grant and for documentation and communication purposes.

If there may be any questions, we may invite you to a virtual meeting via video conference.



Förderverein für in Not geratene Studierende der Technischen Universität Darmstadt e.V.
c/o AStA TU Darmstadt
Hochschulstraße 1
64289 Darmstadt

Donation Account

Förderverein an der TU Darmstadt e.V.
Sparkasse Darmstadt
IBAN: DE44508501500000618020
BLZ: 508 501 50
Kontonummer: 618 020

For donations, up to 300€, your transfer section is considered by the tax office for a donation receipt since January 1st 2021. The association is happy to issue a donation receipt for donations over 300€. Please state your name and adress on the transfer slip. 


Supporting Membership

You can become a supporting member as a natural or legal person and pay an amount at your own consideration. With your help and payment, you make a significant contribution to the effort of the „Förderverein für in Not geratene Studierende“ in supporting students in need.