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APB Complaint

Dear fellow students,

As students we have more rights than we, but also the lecturers, are usually aware of. The AStA is working in various ways to ensure that the rights that students enjoy with regard to lectures, examinations and the inspection of exams are better known by all sides, in order to enable us to study at least a little more pleasantly in spite of the current university system.

Did you know, for example, that attendance is not compulsory unless it is explicitly stated and explained in the module handbook, and that lecturers are not allowed to decide this on their own? And that even if attendance is compulsory, you can be absent from up to 25% of the appointments without having to fear any consequences? This is what it says in the General Examination Regulations of the TU Darmstadt (in short: APB) under §11 para. 6. Many students are not even aware of this rule, which lecturers take advantage of in order to enforce their private, even more restrictive ideas of a study program.

With this website we want to give you the opportunity to report lecturers who you think are taking unlawful measures, so that we can point out their mistakes and the unlawfulness of their actions. You are welcome to do this anonymously, but we will not share your name anyway, because we know that lecturers like to use their power when you oppose them.

Send us an email at , or use the form below:

enlightenedYou can also fill out the following form anonymously if you wish.

Optional, dein Name
Optional, nur wenn du möchtest, dass wir uns bei dir zurück melden.
Um welche Veranstaltung geht es?
Wer hält die Veranstaltung?
Bitte schildere möglichst genau, warum du denkst, dass ein Verstoß gegen die APB vorliegt.
Wann war die Veranstaltung?
Wie kann der AStA dir helfen? Mögliche Aktionen sind zum Beispiel: Veröffentlichung / Anschreiben der Dozierenden / Weiterleitung an Fachschaft, etc.
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