Homophobie in Russland - Wanja Kilber
Homophobie in Russland
Referent: Wanja Kilber von Quarteera e.V.
The Feminism Department aims to shed light on the topic of feminism from different perspectives and directions. It represents the interests of students and campaigns for equality of all genders as well as against sexism, sexualized violence and gender-specific discrimination at TU Darmstadt. The department tries to draw attention to and raise awareness of internal sexism and sexualized violence at the university. The focus here is on the needs and empowerment of those affected.
By organizing (political) educational campaigns and workshops - such as self-defense courses - the department aims to inform students about feminist struggles and to empower them personally. In addition, we aim to provide spaces to exchange ideas about feminist issues, get to know each other and become active together.
The department is networked with relevant working groups and other student groups across universities. In addition, the department maintains contact with relevant institutions, political initiatives and counseling services.
The Feminism Department also sees itself as the first point of contact for all students who have experienced or observed sexism, sexualized violence and other forms of gender-specific discrimination. We want to support those affected in solidarity and in particular strengthen the position of women* - especially those who are affected by multiple forms of discrimination. The fight against racism, homo- and transphobia, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination should therefore always be included.
We would also like to take this opportunity to refer you to the TU Darmstadt policy against sexualized discrimination and assault and the corresponding internal university advice and contact points, which we have summarized in this article.
Would you like support with personal issues such as abortion, family/studies, sexualized violence, sexism, gender-based discrimination? We offer personal, independent and supportive (initial) counseling for all students and employees of TU Darmstadt.
Feel free to contact us at any time by email:
Would you like information about events on feminist topics or even organize them yourself, plan demonstrations, need financial support and would like to network? Contact us by email with your requests, ideas and suggestions:
Or use our anonymous contact form.
Homophobie in Russland
Referent: Wanja Kilber von Quarteera e.V.
Was ist für mich eigentlich Bildung? Diese Frage sollte sich nicht nur jede einzelne Person mal gestellt haben, es wäre auch angebracht und sehr interessant diese Frage in der Universität, den Seminaren, Übungen und Vorlesungen zu diskutieren. Doch davon wird abgesehen. Was Bildung ist, steht in der Universität nämlich schon fest. Ab dem ersten Moment konfrontiert mit Anwesenheitslisten, maximal Fehlzeiten und Klausurterminen sowie einem fest durchstrukturierten Zeitplan bleibt nicht viel Zeit für grundlegende Diskussionen und abweichende Themen.